Unbound Items Wiki


Table Of Contents

Game Items


Base Spawners

Game Items

The following are the items that can be found in the game.

Sky Sky .

  • Stack Limit is 32 items per inventory slot.

Dask Sky Dask Sky ^

  • Stack Limit is 32 items per inventory slot.

Pickaxe/S Pickaxe/S pickaxe_s

If player has such an item in the inventory, it now becomes possible to break down hard surfaces.
For example, Iron Ore would require a Pickaxe.

  • The item can not be stacked
  • Price: 10 (you get 1 items)
  • Buyback (if you sell): 5
Crafting Recipy
# Item
2 Wood Wood

Hatchet/S Hatchet/S hatchet_s

If player has such an item in the inventory, it now becomes possible to put a tree down.

  • The item can not be stacked
  • Price: 20 (you get 1 items)
  • Buyback (if you sell): 10
Crafting Recipy
# Item
2 Wood Wood

Sword/S Sword/S sword_s

If player has this item in the inventory, basic "knuckle" hits is replaced with a sword hit, as it deals
more damage.

  • Deals 20 damage.
  • The item can not be stacked
  • Price: 30 (you get 1 items)
  • Buyback (if you sell): 20
Crafting Recipy
# Item
1 Wood Wood

Shotgun Shell Shotgun Shell s12

If player has this item in the inventory, along with Shotgun Shell,
player can shoot at short distant targets.

  • Stack Limit is 32 items per inventory slot.
  • Price: 10 (you get 16 items)
  • Buyback (if you sell): 5

Shotgun Shotgun sh1

If player has this item in the inventory, along with Shotgun Shell,
player can shoot at short distant targets.

  • Deals 100 damage.
  • The item can not be stacked
  • Price: 120 (you get 1 items)
  • Buyback (if you sell): 60

Grass Grass grass

Grows over Ground randomly.


  • Stack Limit is 32 items per inventory slot.
  • When placed in furnace it takes 10 seconds for one item to burn.

Rock Rock rock

Rock mineral

  • Stack Limit is 32 items per inventory slot.

Liana Liana liana

Liane usually grows like so:


  • Stack Limit is 32 items per inventory slot.
  • When placed in furnace it takes 10 seconds for one item to burn.

Cobweb Cobweb cobweb

Cobweb usually grows like so:


  • Stack Limit is 64 items per inventory slot.
  • When placed in furnace it takes 5 seconds for one item to burn.

Sapling Sapling sapling

Grass saplings

  • Stack Limit is 32 items per inventory slot.
  • When placed in furnace it takes 20 seconds for one item to burn.

Flower Flower flower

A flower you can heal yourself with.
Few examples of flowers

  • Stack Limit is 32 items per inventory slot.
  • When placed in furnace it takes 5 seconds for one item to burn.

Water Water water

Water fluid

  • Stack Limit is 8 items per inventory slot.

Ground Ground ground

Soft ground

  • Stack Limit is 32 items per inventory slot.

Wood Wood wood

Piece of raw wood

  • Stack Limit is 32 items per inventory slot.
  • When placed in furnace it takes 50 seconds for one item to burn.

Wood Wood awd

Growing wood

  • Stack Limit is 32 items per inventory slot.
  • When placed in furnace it takes 50 seconds for one item to burn.

Wood Leaves Wood Leaves wlv

Wood Leaves

  • The item can not be stacked
  • When placed in furnace it takes 10 seconds for one item to burn.

MonsterMeat MonsterMeat meat

Raw monster meat

  • Stack Limit is 64 items per inventory slot.

Tube Tube tube

Tube block that can be arranged into transportation routs that connects outputs and inputs of various bases
together. When an outlet of a base wishes to push its output, and a tube is connected, the item will
start moving towards tube.

tubes with a item passing by

When an item in the tube reaches a corresponding inlet, it gets transferred to bases' inlet inventory, where
it can be processed and/or taken out by a player.

  • Stack Limit is 32 items per inventory slot.

Coal Coal coal

  • Stack Limit is 40 items per inventory slot.
  • Price: 100 (you get 20 items)
  • Buyback (if you sell): 10

Iron Ore Iron Ore ore_iron

  • Stack Limit is 32 items per inventory slot.
  • Price: NO SALE
  • Buyback (if you sell): 10

Copper Ore Copper Ore ore_copper

  • Stack Limit is 32 items per inventory slot.
  • Price: NO SALE
  • Buyback (if you sell): 25

Gold Ore Gold Ore ore_gold

  • Stack Limit is 32 items per inventory slot.
  • Price: NO SALE
  • Buyback (if you sell): 50

Iron Ingot Iron Ingot ingot_iron

  • Stack Limit is 32 items per inventory slot.
  • Price: NO SALE
  • Buyback (if you sell): 75
Crafting Recipy
# Item
4 Iron Ore Iron Ore

Copper Ingot Copper Ingot ingot_copper

  • Stack Limit is 32 items per inventory slot.
  • Price: NO SALE
  • Buyback (if you sell): 125
Crafting Recipy
# Item
4 Copper Ore Copper Ore

Gold Ingot Gold Ingot ingot_gold

  • Stack Limit is 32 items per inventory slot.
  • Price: NO SALE
  • Buyback (if you sell): 250
Crafting Recipy
# Item
4 Gold Ore Gold Ore

Iron Sheet Iron Sheet sheet_iron

  • Stack Limit is 8 items per inventory slot.
  • Price: NO SALE
  • Buyback (if you sell): 75
Crafting Recipy

Output: 8

# Item
4 Iron Ingot Iron Ingot

Copper Sheet Copper Sheet sheet_copper

  • Stack Limit is 8 items per inventory slot.
  • Price: NO SALE
  • Buyback (if you sell): 125
Crafting Recipy

Output: 8

# Item
4 Copper Ingot Copper Ingot

Gold Sheet Gold Sheet sheet_gold

  • Stack Limit is 8 items per inventory slot.
  • Price: NO SALE
  • Buyback (if you sell): 250
Crafting Recipy

Output: 8

# Item
4 Gold Ingot Gold Ingot

Iron Bolt Iron Bolt bolt_iron

  • Stack Limit is 64 items per inventory slot.
  • Price: NO SALE
  • Buyback (if you sell): 40
Crafting Recipy

Output: 16

# Item
1 Iron Ingot Iron Ingot

Copper Bolt Copper Bolt bolt_copper

  • Stack Limit is 64 items per inventory slot.
  • Price: NO SALE
  • Buyback (if you sell): 50
Crafting Recipy

Output: 16

# Item
1 Copper Ingot Copper Ingot

Gold Bolt Gold Bolt bolt_gold

  • Stack Limit is 64 items per inventory slot.
  • Price: NO SALE
  • Buyback (if you sell): 125
Crafting Recipy

Output: 16

# Item
1 Gold Ingot Gold Ingot

Rocket Rocket rocket

A projectile that can deal damage

  • Stack Limit is 8 items per inventory slot.
  • Price: 50 (you get 10 items)
  • Buyback (if you sell): 30

Oxygen bottle Oxygen bottle oxygen

A bottle of oxygen

  • Stack Limit is 8 items per inventory slot.
  • When placed in furnace it takes 100 seconds for one item to burn.
  • Price: 100 (you get 4 items)
  • Buyback (if you sell): 20


The following structures are considered "bases". When placed, they can perform a function and can be interacted with
by pressing E.

As items, you cannot own these directly. You can own a spawners (suffix _s) instead, which allow you to place them.
For example, see Spawners.

Power Station power

Power Station

Power Generation utility

Network Communication

The following actions use Network Communication

Get Power Status

Checks the status of power station. Possible responses are: "Working", "No Fuel", "No Consumers", "Overload"

BASIC Example C Example
10 %connect #4,"power1.zx",1
20 PRINT #4;"status"
30 INPUT #4;power$
40 PRINT "Status of the power: ";power$
50 %close #4
int sock = uconnect("power1.zx");
sendstr(sock, "status");
char power[64];
recvstr(sock, power);
printf("Status of the power: %s\n", power);

Execution example:

← status

→ Status of the power: Working

Power production

Capable of producing of 100 of power to consumers nearby.

Power Pole pole

Power Pole

Energy repeater to provide power further away

Production Factory factory

Production Factory

When powered on, and Crafting Config is set, can automatically produce items according to config.

Crafting Config

Defines a recipy which the factory will work on. On the ingredients of recipy must but inside the
Source Items inventory. Additionally, ingredients can be supplied by means of a Tube.
After the crafting is done, the produced item(s) are placed into the Produced Items inventory, and
if the tube is attached to the outlet, the produced item is send out thought a tube.

Power consumption

To properly function, consumes 20 of power from power stations nearby.

Tube Router router

Tube Router

Can be configured to either work in SPLITTER MODE, or in ROUTER MODE. Additionally, it can be configured
to route/split traffic in a specific direction (up, down, left, right)


In router mode, all incoming items are redirected as the arrow points.

traffic comes from left or right then redirected to top


In splitter mode, all item coming from the direction as the arrow points, are evenly distributed into other
tubes, in a round-robin pattern.

traffic comes from the left and redirected top or left

Computer control

When in ROUTER mode, it can be controlled by a computer computer nearby.
To do that, the player choses Advanced -> Control By Computer

When computer is selected, and an item passes the router, instead of passing the item along,
the router sends the following message to the computer:

<router hostname>

Computer in turn can reply that message, and command to the router to direct loaded item in a certain direction.

Example of BASIC program that prints info on items that pass by,
and controls the router to route all of them "down".

10 PRINT "listening"
20 %listen #4,1
30 %accept #5,4
40 INPUT #5;a$
50 PRINT "action=";a$
60 INPUT #5;t$
70 PRINT " item=";t$
80 INPUT #5;am
90 PRINT " amount=";am
100 INPUT #5;h$
110 PRINT " from=";h$
120 PRINT #5;"down"
130 %close #5
140 GO TO 30

Network Communication

The following actions use Network Communication

Get Loaded Items

Gets information about the amount and type of the loaded item. If nothing is loaded, returns "0" and ""

BASIC Example C Example
10 %connect #4,"router1.zx",1
20 PRINT #4;"item"
30 INPUT #4;item$
31 INPUT #4;amount
40 PRINT "Type of items: ";item$
41 PRINT "Amount of items: ";amount
50 %close #4
int sock = uconnect("router1.zx");
sendstr(sock, "item");
char item[64];
recvstr(sock, item);
int amount = recvint(sock);
printf("Type of items: %s\n", item);
printf("Amount of items: %d\n", amount);

Execution example:

← item

→ Type of items: ore_iron
→ Amount of items: 1

Push Loaded Item

Changes the direction of the router into one of following directions: "right", "left", "up", "down",
all items now go in that direction.

BASIC Example C Example
10 %connect #4,"router1.zx",1
20 PRINT #4;"push"
21 PRINT #4;"up"
50 %close #4
int sock = uconnect("router1.zx");
sendstr(sock, "push");
sendstr(sock, "up");

Execution example:

← push
← up

Steel Door door

Steel Door

Steel door that can be opened and closed. Opens when power is lost.

Opened door

Opened door

Closed door

Closed door

Network Communication

The following actions use Network Communication

Open Door

Opens the door

BASIC Example C Example
10 %connect #4,"door1.zx",1
20 PRINT #4;"open"
50 %close #4
int sock = uconnect("door1.zx");
sendstr(sock, "open");

Execution example:

← open

Close Door

Closes the door

BASIC Example C Example
10 %connect #4,"door1.zx",1
20 PRINT #4;"close"
50 %close #4
int sock = uconnect("door1.zx");
sendstr(sock, "close");

Execution example:

← close

Power consumption

To properly function, consumes 1 of power from power stations nearby.

Container Collector collector

Container Collector

Has its own inventory (accessed by pressing I nearby), if an inlet tube is connected to it, all items are collected.
If an outlet tube is connected, can be commanded by a Computer to pull an item into the tube.

Network Communication

The following actions use Network Communication

Count Items

Count amount of items available of certain item ("wood") and returns its number.
If empty string ("") is specified, overall item count is returned.

BASIC Example C Example
10 %connect #4,"collector1.zx",1
20 PRINT #4;"amount"
21 PRINT #4;"wood"
30 INPUT #4;amount
40 PRINT "Amount of <wood>: ";amount
50 %close #4
int sock = uconnect("collector1.zx");
sendstr(sock, "amount");
sendstr(sock, "wood");
int amount = recvint(sock);
printf("Amount of <wood>: %d\n", amount);

Execution example:

← amount
← wood

→ Amount of <wood>: 1

Pull Items Into Tube

Pulls item of type ("wood") and pulls it into an outlet tube. If empty string ("") is specified,
any available item is pulled.

BASIC Example C Example
10 %connect #4,"collector1.zx",1
20 PRINT #4;"pull"
21 PRINT #4;"wood"
50 %close #4
int sock = uconnect("collector1.zx");
sendstr(sock, "pull");
sendstr(sock, "wood");

Execution example:

← pull
← wood

FOB fob


Forward Operation Base
When placed, allows you to receive and send shipments

Chest chest


Basic structure you can place items in (it has its own inventory).

Computer computer


When powered on, emulates full zx spectrum computer.
When the player opens computer menu, the internal computer screen goes full screen as if the player now
controls that computer. It can run any code, written in BASIC, C, Asm or anything else, as it emulates
z80 processor with 16k of ROM, 48k of RAM and a Spectranet

Can run any code, but is the mose useful at Network Communication.

Power consumption

To properly function, consumes 20 of power from power stations nearby.


Power Station Spawner Power Station power_s

Places Power Station

Power Station

Power Pole Spawner Power Pole pole_s

Places Power Pole

Power Pole

Production Factory Spawner Production Factory factory_s

Places Production Factory

Production Factory

Tube Router Spawner Tube Router router_s

Places Tube Router

Tube Router

Steel Door Spawner Steel Door door_s

Places Steel Door

Steel Door

Container Collector Spawner Container Collector collector_s

Places Container Collector

Container Collector

FOB Spawner FOB fob_s

Places FOB


Computer Spawner Computer computer_s

Places Computer


Network Communication

Computers can communication between each other, and to bases using in-game network system.

Each device (computer or otherwise) has a hostname assigned to it, and is reachable by regular network
sockets. Since connection is TCP, port 1 is used.

For example, if a user has a Power Station placed, it can be reached out by using Computer. Since computers are full zx-spectrum emulators, the code to communication can be written in BASIC, C, or z80asm.

How to obtain power status of a Power Station placed, using BASIC:

10 %connect #4,"power1.zx",1
20 PRINT #4;"status"
30 INPUT #4;power$
40 PRINT "Status of the power: ";power$
50 CLOSE #4

Same in C:

int sock = uconnect("power1.zx");
sendstr(sock, "status");
char power[64];
recvstr(sock, power);
printf("Status of the power: %s\n", power);
